YouTube Tasks

To access YouTube using MassMine you must first authenticate. This is a requirement of YouTube. Authorization is simple, and only has to be completed once.

To authenticate with YouTube, run

massmine --task=youtube-auth

Check out the general usage examples to learn how to use MassMine. Below is a description of the tasks available for YouTube.

Task parameters marked * are required. For parameters marked with a + choose only one.

➾ youtube-auth

Sets up MassMine to make data requests under your YouTube account privileges. This task must be ran before using any other YouTube tasks, or an error will be returned.



massmine --task=youtube-auth

➾ youtube-video-comments

Retrieve comments thread for a specified video ID.



massmine --task=youtube-video-comments --query=atZqRbpb5gg --count=200

➾ youtube-channel-comments

Retrieve comments thread for a specified channel ID.



massmine --task=youtube-channel-comments --query=UCHP9CdeguNUI-_nBv_UXBhw --count=200