Using MassMine


MassMine’s behavior is controlled via options set either directly on the command line, or by using a configuration file (or a combination of both). For most options, MassMine accepts short and long versions. For example, the following long format command

massmine --count=50

is equivalent to the following short format version

massmine -c 50

Users are free to use whichever form is preferred, but for the sake of clarity long format options will be used for this documentation.

Getting Help

MassMine ships with built-in help to familiarize users with features. See what options are available to you with

massmine --help

This will produce some helpful clues on how to get started. Depending on your version, you should see output similar to the following:

Usage: massmine ... [options...]

 -h, --help               Help information
 -v, --version            Version information
 -p, --project=ARG        Create project
 -a, --auth=ARG           Credentials file
 -o, --output=ARG         Write to file
 -t, --task=ARG           Task name
 -q, --query=ARG          Query string
 -c, --count=ARG          Number of records
 -d, --dur=ARG            Max runtime
 -g, --geo=ARG            Location
 -l, --lang=ARG           Language
 -u, --user=ARG           Screen name
     --date=ARG           Date (or date range)
     --config=ARG         Config file
     --no-splash          Inhibit splash screen
     --test=ARG           Development tests

Retrieve and store data from web sources

See 'massmine -h <option>' to read about a specific topic
    'massmine -h task' will, for example, display help about the 'task' option
or  'massmine -h task-options' for options supported by each task 
or  'massmine -h examples' for detailed examples

Full documentation can be found at
Report bugs to nemo1211 at gmail.

The help printout indicates what options are available, and which can be used with the short or long format syntax.

The help option also accepts keywords matching the available options. For example, to learn more about the —count option you can run

massmine --help count

The above help command produces

Request a number of records for tasks that accept limits

Example(s): 'massmine --count=100'
            'massmine -c 100'

In addition to per-option help, example commands for collecting data are provided with

massmine --help examples

Using and Configuring MassMine

Fetching data using MassMine involves composing a series of options that describe your data collection request. To compose such a request, you must:

  1. Choose an appropriate task
  2. Include any necessary options to specify the details of your data request.

Choosing a Task

Data access methods in MassMine are referred to as “tasks”. Each task corresponds to a different data source. To see a list of all available tasks, use the help functionality:

massmine --help task

A listing of available tasks is printed to the terminal, each with a brief description. Next, it is important to learn what MassMine options are available for each task. To inspect these options, use

massmine --help task-options

Some tasks require zero options, such as the “twitter-locations” task. To run such tasks, the command is simply

massmine --task=twitter-locations

Most tasks, however, accept additional optional and/or required information as described in the help printout.

Composing Data Requests

Once you know which task you would like, you are ready to compose a data collection request. Let’s assume you would like to search for tweets on Twitter that contain the keyword “love”. Using massmine --help task we learn that the appropriate task to use is called “twitter-search”. Next, we use massmine --help task-options to determine which options the twitter-search task accepts. We find:

twitter-search -- query* count geo lang

It seems that we must include the --query option. We can also optionally specify --count --geo and --lang. Let’s assume that we would like to collect 200 tweets matching the query “love”. We can now compose our custom data request:

massmine --task=twitter-search --count=200 --query=love

Note that the order of the options does not matter. The above command could be rewritten as

massmine --query=love --count=200 --task=twitter-search

If you run one of the above commands, the resulting data (in JSON format) will be printed to your terminal. This is probably not what you want. MassMine provides two methods for saving your data.

Option 1: Save directly to disk with massmine

First, you can use the built-in option --output to have MassMine write the data to a file. This options accepts file paths and names (existing files will trigger a warning from massmine). Building on our previous command, we can save our data to the current working directory with:

massmine --task=twitter-search --count=200 --query=love --output=mydata.json

Include a file path to save to a specific directory (relative and absolute file paths are accepted):

massmine --task=twitter-search --count=200 --query=love --output=./results/mydata.json

Option 2: Use shell redirects to save your data

MassMine is designed to work with tradition Linux/Unix pipelines, so output redirection works:

massmine --task=twitter-search --count=200 --query=love > mydata.json

as well as piping

massmine --task=twitter-search --count=200 --query=love | tee output.json

Alternative Configuration File

For complex MassMine data requests the command line options can become long and unwieldy. For such situations, MassMine can also be controlled via a configuration file by use of the --config=FILE option. The configuration file should be a plain text file with the following format:

For example, the following command line call to MassMine:

massmine --task=twitter-search --count=200 --query=love --output=mydata.json

can be called via a configuration file as

massmine --config=my_config.txt

Assuming you first create a file called my_config.txt with the following lines:

task = twitter-search
count = 200
query = love
output = mydata.json

Working With The Resulting Data

MassMine returns data from all sources as JSON. Depending on your analysis workflow, it can be more desirable to work in a column-oriented data format (such as csv format), such as when importing data into R, SPSS, Excel, or similar. A companion tool has been created called jsan (The JSON Swiss Army k*N*ife) that provides quick and memory-efficient conversion into column-oriented data formats.

jsan can be used after data has been collected. For example:

# Fetch some data first
massmine --task=twitter-search --count=200 --query=love --output=mydata.json

# Convert the JSON from above into .csv, keeping the
# "text" and "user:screen_name" fields
jsan --input=mydata.json --output=mydata.csv --keep text user:screen_name

For large data sets, such as when pulling data from the twitter-stream task, it can be advantageous to utilize the streaming capabilities of massmine and jsan to allow conversion while data is being collected:

# Big request, piped into jsan using tee to create a .json file AND a .csv
# copy of the desired fields. This saves the headache of converting a huge
# file later
massmine --task=twitter-stream --query=love --count=2000000 | tee mydata.json | jsan --output=mydata.csv --keep text user:screen_name